4-hIf You Like…

Fun. . .
Having a good time with others and feeling good about yourself

Friends. . .
Sharing what you know with your friends, meeting new people, and making new friends that will last a lifetime

Exploring. . .
Trying new interests- from cooking to caring for animals; or sewing, theater, woodworking, photography, rockets or many other projects

Learning. . .
Understanding new and exciting things, learning by doing, and assuming new responsibilities

Caring. . .
Helping others and having
others care about you

4-H Is For You!

We have Opportunities for both Youth and Adults

Youth Opportunities:

Traditional Member (age 8 and in 3rd Grade as of Jan. 1)

Cloverbud (age 5 and in Kindergarten as of Jan. 1)

4-H Camp Counselor

CARTEENS Presenter

Jr. Fairboard Member/Jr. Fair Apprentice


Adult Opportunities:

4-H Advisory Council Member

The Wyandot County 4-H Advisory Council meets the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm and is responsible for giving leadership to the Wyandot County 4-H program by advising and assisting in planning, implementing, and evaluating the overall Wyandot County 4-H program. The Wyandot County 4-H Advisory Council members consist of elected 4-H advisors, parents, youth, business and community leaders. Members represent 4-H by bringing their needs, wants, and ideas/suggestions to the attention of the Extension staff and committee. The Wyandot County 4-H Advisory Council holds annual fundraisers such as the Pancake & Sausage meal in February, the Wyandot County 4-H t-shirt sale in May, and sales of Wyandot County Plat Books. The Wyandot County 4-H Advisory Council sponsors youth trips to Washington DC, provides 4-H camp t-shirts, pays insurance for ALL 4-H members, facilitates the annual 4-H Volunteer Appreciation Banquet in October and many other great 4-H programs and events.

4-H Endowment Committee Member

The Wyandot County 4-H Endowment Committee meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 6:15 pm.  Members consist of elected 4-H advisors, parents, youth, business and community leaders. The Wyandot County 4-H Endowment Committee was established with the purpose to provide post-high school academic scholarships, grants and 4-H program support. Money is invested both locally and through The Ohio State University. $5500 in scholarship money was awarded in 2021 to 6 Wyandot County 4-H members. The Wyandot County 4-H Endowment Committee has been able to provide $139350 to 308 4-H scholarship recipients since 1982. The Wyandot County 4-H Endowment Committee also provides funds for 4-H youth trips to Washington DC and other various 4-H programs. The Wyandot County 4-H Endowment Committee has raised funds through its Ensure the Legacy Dinner & Auctions as well as its SEED (Supporting Education & Endowing Dreams) Campaign. 

Club Advisor

Still Project Judge

Livestock Interview Judge


Easy Steps to Joining Wyandot County 4-H as a Youth Member: 

1. Check out the on-line Family Guide (Click Here) or pick one up from the Extension Office located at 109 South Sandusky Ave, Room 16 Upper Sandusky, OH 43351.

2. Review your Family Guide and decide what types of projects interest you. 

3. Call the Wyandot County Extension Office 419-294-4931 for clubs near you and that have projects with your same interest.  

4. Enrollment deadline to join Wyandot County 4-H for 2023 is April 3rd.. 

For additional information, Call 419-294-4931 or Email Wyandot County Extension Educator Andrea Cole @ cole.616@osu.edu